Wednesday, November 26, 2008 12:52 PM
hello... dead blog...
i realised tat all the ppls hab been bz choosing their sch
lesser ppl on liao
jux posting sum crap =D
Monday, November 17, 2008 8:58 AM
FAREWELL PARTY '08There is no remedy for love and concern, but the only way to love without showing concern is to cry when you're alone.+
Farewell Party ytd was an emotional one for us.
We all cried (including me). I didn't know I could be so emotional.
Me, Yuqi, Anning, Emily (abit), Coco, Xueyi (abit).
I never had such a good cry in a long time.
I miss everybody alrd - Yuqi, Emily, Anning, Jieyi, Yanyi, Xueyi, Coco, Olivia, Colleen, Janice etc.
I cried cuz I saw Yuqi crying, and then I thought of Mrs Lee.
Aft that I ran all the way to look for Mrs Lee then I hugged her repeatedly.
Then she was like, 'this one ah..'
At night ytd in my sister's room, I accidentally deleted some of the farewell party's pictures. (thank goodness bestie sent over some of which I deleted via msn)
Then I kept crying like there was no end to this horrible fate.
Now for pictures time that makes me smile like this - =8)

Yanyi, Anning, Jieyi, Me =8)

Jack's beautiful photoshoot:


Patrick Seet I will miss beating you when I'm angry :(

Mrs Lee I love you forever! xx

Yuqi, Emily, Coco

(Listing all the names so I'll rmb next time)
Me, Coco, Yuqi, Colleen, Xueyi, Emily, Janice, Anning, Jieyi, Yanyi, WZ, Patrick, Jack, Benedict

Coco, Xueyi, Emily

Emily, Xueyi, me, Yuqi, Coco

Yuqi and Yanyi :8

Yuqi, Emily, Xueyi

Don't cry because it's over, but smile because it happened.(But still, we are all crying)
I'm posting what I posted on my blog, but since I have more pictures, just view.
Yuqi, Emily, Anning, Jieyi, Yanyi, Seeonn, Coco, Xueyi, Olivia, Colleen, Jack, Patrick, WZ, Benedict =
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥+
You guys rock my smelly socks. =8)
ris :D :D :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008 8:06 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:02 PM
HELLO PEOPOLS, this is jieyi la k, since weizhong computer got probb, i shall be kind to help him post what he want say
wait ahh,
Byebye, 6/Obedience...
Byebye, Coral Primary...
I'm leaving you...
Till we meet again...
Today is P6 FWP( Farewell Party )...
Everybody have fun?
I had fun, but I also very sad leh, must leave...
Nvm, I will go back to Coral Primary sometimes later....
Next time I will post longer, now gtg...
Just saying this again...
Goodbye, Coral Primary...
I will miss you, Coral Primary, and all my friends...
Kay, bye for now...
kayyyyy, thats by lauw wei zhong la, thank me thank me:D
kay whatever, bye:D
9:30 PM
hiii guys,miss u all! i wun ever forget 6O.keep in touchhhh arhhhhope when u all go sec school, will still reminisce,remember good old times (or izit old good times ??)anwwww, hope u all get into ur dream school! :Dgoodluckgoodluckgoodluckk. (:seeonn[sry, its not a very long post .. ] 8:44 PM
today's farewell party rox! I noe everybody very sad to leave Coral Primary School but we have to leave 1 day rite? However, we will miss u Coral! All the pupils in 6/obedience and the P6s will miss u! And i got 1 request, i wish this blog will not be deleted soo we can put wat sch we go, wat activities we hav and post it on this blog, like a place for 6/obedience's pupils to still get in contact and noe each other sch better. I will miss u all and pls miss me too!
Posted by:Benedict Yeo Jian Wei
7:37 PM
6/O I 'LOVE' YOU!Thank you all my friends.Thank you 6/O.Thank you teachers!:D :D :DU are always the BESTTT!Thank you!I really really 'LOVE' U guys.& I will MISS you all.GD LUCK in everything u do in the future.remember.we are connect-ed forever~yea. :Dbyebye. GOOD LUCK.All the best.(:First post after we separate is posted by. [ME.YUQI] :Das we go on.we remember.all the times we had together~yea. :D Wednesday, November 12, 2008 4:09 PM
i'll miss everyone.
keep in touch kays?
nice 2 meet everyone.
6 obedience rocks.
emily (:
Sunday, November 9, 2008 9:26 AM your want a jonas brothers song or a high school musical 3 song?can please put wat your want at the tagboard? thankkkkyouuuuuuuu :Danning★ Wednesday, November 5, 2008 12:27 PM
Hello people Charis here.
I'm gna liven up the class blog with all these emo posts.
Adrian : Hey um you prolly won't be reading this note anyway [cause you have issues] but still I'm fair and I'm wishing you all the best for your PSLE results.
Janice : Hey shalom! :D Childhood friends bring back all the memories etc etc and I rlly wish that you can go to TKSS or TKGS. Jiayous shalom, you rock baby.
Angie : Hmm what can I say? Well, you have shunned from all of us etc etc but still rmb us [your true friends] k. And get into the school of your choice :)
Zhen Yuan : Auntie Yuan! You and Andrew always play chess together etc etc, and one day must beat him k! Also jiayou for your future endeavours.
Yuan Jie : Hmm you're a very very very quiet person, that's all I can say. I don't rlly know you well, but just get into the school of your choice [as usual].
Jie Yi : Skinny pig cannot fly 8) Okay hmm.. get into Nanyang Girls and don't drag me into Anglican High k! And don't forget me k. Haha jiayou!
See Onn : Hello See Onn :D Char
Os the great thanks you for everything you've done for me and thanks for encouraging me all this while. I love you man! xx
Jia Chun : Chun Chun! Haha. Hmm let's start with our friendship. It was on ups-and-downs, but still, I rlly treasure our time together. Your rock!
Clara : Thanks for my birthday present cause I've yet to thank you yet. Oh, and you're a rather hardworking girl too, so rlly, jiayou for your PSLE results!
Coco : The great nut! Haha I love you man! I love laughing my socks off with you, and you never fail to cheer me up, no matter how grumpy I may be. I love you! :D
James : Hello :D Haha you are a very quiet person, and btw, your Math rlly is good man! Just continue working hard even next year, and don't boss me arnd k!
Emily : Little bubu! How I miss those days when we were 'bubu-ing' arnd here and there, and LDKY copying us etc etc. Look, I rlly <3 you, and good luck for your future!
Li Ming : Hmm.. we aren't very close, in fact not close at all etc etc. But thanks for always being there for me, encouraging me etc etc. Get good results for PSLE! Good luck :)
Jack : Mr boopiah! :) Okay.. You are very smart and very very tall. And you are very pro too. So get into RI, and don't give up for
Olivia : Olivia aye! Heez you are very very very sick and very very very funny too! And you are also rlly pro at Math :D So jiayou for CCHMS and good luck! 8D
Wei Zhong : Hello fat panda. Hmm okay you are rather smart too, and sick at that. Anyway just wishing you the best for your PSLE results, and more parties to come! 8)
Colleen : Hello nachos! :p Okay hmm you are very nice and we all <3 you, y'know. And your Math is good, so jiayou for Dunman Sec too! Strive 8D
Xue Yi : Behold the great fish! Haha ok hmm what do I have to say? Okay. I love you and I love fooling arnd with you too, piglet! Jiayou for PSLE and don't forget me! :D
Yan Yi : Hello gan jie jie! First, must ignore JAMESTAN k cause he's irriating but you are chio bu! Heez just jiayou for PSLE and don't get too sick!
Yu Qi : Hello bestie!!! Hmm Idno what to say here [.__.] cause I tell you everything but all I can say is that I <3 you alot and alot. :)
Andrew : Okay Andrew Lim I have a note for you - Stop eating pineapples! :D And stop bubbling all your spit at us cause it's disgusting :) But anyway just jiayou for Hwa Chong.
Mei Jing : Hello feather brain :) Okay hmm first you're just as sick as Olivia but anyway, jiayou to get into the school of your choice!
LDKY : Hello Mr Mean + Sick :D Okay anyway you've returned to China so you prolly won't be reading this anyway. Just don't let your voice crack up if not cannot sing alrd :)
Yazmil : Hmm Idno you well, not even well at all. But heh anyway, you are funny + nice. And hardworking too. So yeah, just wishing you all the best for your future.
Anning : OMGEE fried monkey I love you alot! xx Okay anyway just wishing you all the best for your Cresent Girls is it? And I love you + your fashion sense :)
Wei En : Okay first I'm gna talk abt your cruelty. DON'T TORTURE + KILL ANTS AND SPIDERS ETC CAUSE IT'S CRUEL! Don't be a perf okay ;)
Jing En : Jinggies! Hmm okay first you are awesome at sports cause you have supersonic strength :) Oh and jiayou for your PSLE resultzsxzsxz!
This is all for now temporarily. :D
Will be continued! 8D
Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:35 PM
HELLOOOOOthe blog is DEAD again.:Dso I shall POST. (:chatting with JIEYI now.currently looking at her orange juice. [her display pic]looks like very NICE like tt.wan to drink.haha. :DOkay.tomorrow is MONDAY,finally we can go to school on MONDAY.I mean Monday is always holiday for the last two FINALLYYYY. :Dgt's a GOOD news.I think so. :DDDDDDDD20th NOV.
wish everyone GOOD LUCK.